Urachal Cancer in Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Genel H , Hubinont C , Baldin P , Amant F and Mhallem M

Published Date: 2020-06-05
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We report a case of an urachal cancer during pregnancy. The patient was referred at 38 weeks pregnancy for suspicion of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS). The only symptom was a macroscopic hematuria during the third trimester. Obstetrical ultrasound in tertiary center suggested a bladder tumor. A polyp was observed at the vesical dome during the cystoscopy. After the delivery and computed tomography, the patient underwent a tumor resection with high suspicion of urachal cancer. A radical cystectomy and enteroplasty were performed. The pathological findings confirmed the urachal origin of the lesion.

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